We can provide basic & detailed drawings for your Certification requirements, be it existing or new, from simple carport to complex buildings.  Please note that we create the required space and enough information for the purpose of approval. Bathroom modelling and kitchen in-depth drawings can be obtained from Bunnings and Ikea etc. at free of charge. We do not believe in double drafting unless it is an absolute necessity. These services are free and EAD firmly believes that customers are more than capable of using these resources.


Where heavy structures are involved, we provide detailed drawings.


Coming from a building background (hands on), we can assist you with requirements for approval and also provide guidance through the building process. As a guide, a project can be broken into 2 categories:

  • ARCHITECTURE OR DRAFTING : These are pre-requisites for any building process. One will require a Site Plan, Floor Plan, Elevations plus Plumbing & Drainage (if applicable).
  • ENGINEERING : Normally frames etc. can be ordered pre-engineered. Footing Engineering might not be included.

In order to progress through to Certification, it is important to complete the above two processes. 



EAD can provide a basic guide of what forms are required for the Certification process. We  have assisted numerous customers with their applications.